Music is Life. Writing is a journey. Together it creates Stories.



This post is part of a series: Part I, "scream!," Part II, "Wolves,” and Part III, “Monster,” and Part IV, "Ghost."


Ghost is getting ready for the party. She's in her bathroom. Wolfie calls from another room.

Wolfie: Ready yet?

Ghost: No!

Wolfie: I'm wearing flannel if that helps. We should leave soon.

Ghost: "I can't even see you" and already picked out my outfit weeks ago. It's that cool green dress with the clear drape thingy.

Wolfie: Cool. That clear drape thingy is great. Now hurry up!

Ghost: Fine.

To herself.

Look at you and how far you've come. It's just you and me. "And when you're looking in the mirror" you have to see what's really there.


"Demons may be closer than they may appear." This mirror, they could use it as a portal. I'd let them in. That would be fun. Although they would not appreciate the dinner party going on tonight. It would be too tame and yet too fun for a demon. 


I remember my mother anxiously pacing her bathroom after I died. She would always say so many things. It was sad. I'd try to let her know I knew her pain. That I was still around her. "You can either cry, and sit" or you can "stare or try to run away." She never did run away. Mostly just stared. 

One day when I figure out while I'm still around it'll be different for me. "I'm tryna run away" instead. It seems more fun. Different situations. New creatures and experiences.


Doesn't matter anymore. "I'm staring at a ghost."

Looks seriously and deeply.

When did this happen? "I'm staring at a ghost."

Wolfie: Are you almost ready?

Ghost: Give me a few.

Wolfie: A few? "Why don't we take a walk" to get some fresh air before we get there?

Ghost: Sounds good!

To herself.

Well this has been fun. Guess it's time to wrap it up. I wonder if I'll ever be able to hold hands again. "Everybody knows a hand to hold is all we need." (shrugs) Too bad for me.

Wolfie: Comeeeeee onnnnnnnn.

Ghost: "Quiet!" I'm almost done. You're known for being late. If we leave now we'll somehow be early.

Wolfie: If we leave now we'll somehow be early! Let's goooo.

Ghost: (to her reflection) "Every word I say to you, you only just repeat." (to Wolfie) Coming!

The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.

"I Don't Wanna Live Forever"

"I Don't Wanna Live Forever"

