Music is Life. Writing is a journey. Together it creates Stories.

"Only Happy When it Rains"

"Only Happy When it Rains"

There’s a rumble of thunder and the rain starts pouring against the classroom glass. Two students are in detention after someone threw something across a classroom earlier in the day.

Melanie: Stop staring at me.

Chase: I’m not staring at you, I’m staring past you out the window. You’re not that cute.

Melanie: Whatever. I’m only in here because of you.

Chase: (rolls eyes) You’re in here every other week!  It’s not my fault you threw the pencil across the room.

Melanie: You asked for one! No, you wouldn’t shut up about forgetting yours.

Chase: What’s your problem anyway?

Melanie: “I’m only happy when it rains.”

Chase: It’s stuff like that. People think you’re weird.

Melanie: So? Do I seem like the type of girl that cares?

Chase: You’re like really smart and interesting. You don’t have to pretend to be weird.

Melanie: I’m not pretending. I’m not anything. I’m being me. Being me means that “I feel good when things are goin’ wrong” and I don’t want people to deal with me or more, for me to deal with people.

Chase: What do you want to do?

Melanie: “...listen to sad, sad songs,” write, and pretend that no one exists. Is this conversation over yet?

Chase: You’re cooler than you think.

Melanie: Coming from the future prom king and debate club president, I’ll take my chances on the time I have left over here.

Chase: I’m waiting to get to college too. That’s it. Plain and simple. I agree with you that people here suck. College is supposed to be a million times better than this.

Melanie becomes super dramatic in order to stop the conversation. She doesn’t understand Chase’s motives or why he keeps talking when they shouldn’t be.

Melanie: Look, “I only smile in the dark” and “my only comfort is the night gone black.”

Chase: I’m glad to be learning about you.

Melanie: “I didn't accidentally tell you that.” I’m trying to stop you from talking to me. We’re supposed to be serving our 45-minute sentence silently. You can stare out of the window or whatever it is you want to do for another 20 minutes.

Chase: No one’s here. We could leave and no one would either know or care. You’re interesting. I don’t get why you don’t want to talk to me too.

Melanie: What don’t you understand? “You’ll get the message by the time I’m through.”

Chase: How are you going to do that?

Melanie: I’m going to be a snitch and “complain about me and you” in the same room. Next time we get detention together I’ll make sure we’re separate.

Chase: Who does that?

Melanie: Me. The girl that’s “only happy when it rains.”

The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.

"Not Gonna Get Us"

"Not Gonna Get Us"

